On 6-7th June, we had the pleasure of hosting at our premises a group of business managers from associated companies of Chaleur Bois Qualitè Plus, the French national body representing suppliers of wood products, who chose our company to organise their annual meeting.
Two days full of networking opportunities, technical insights and activities, starting with a visit to the Pezzolato offices and factory, followed by a chipping demonstration with the Pezzolato ALL ROAD self-propelled drum chipper with a 755 Hp Caterpillar engine, at the Mombracco Energy cogeneration plant in Envie.
Next followed visits to nearby plants, including the Pezzolato PG 50 gasification plant of Cip. Energy and the Appendino Legnami plant, which produces high quality firewood with a Pezzolato plant consisting of the TL 1300 cutting unit and the KV 700 horizontal automatic splitting unit.
We would like to thank Chaleur Bois Qualitè Plus for choosing us and all our staff, suppliers and customers who supported us to make this visit a success!