11 febrero 2019 volver a las news
Pezzolato, for over 20 years, is present on the French market with wood chippers and firewood processors.
From the 11th of February the PEZZOLATO FRANCE will be active with the aim of following more closely and more efficiently the customers and to respond more quickly and more effectively to all French market’s needs.
For spare parts requests you can contact:
Enrick Martin
phone: +33 04 72793223
mail: contact@pezzolato.fr
He will be available from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 1.00 to 17.00 – from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 1.00 to 16.00 on Friday.
For supply needs you can contact:
Marc Reinhardt
phone: +33 06 40345814
mail: marc@pezzolato.fr
that, as sales manager, will handle all the requests related to our 4 product lines.