24 September 2020 zurück zu den Nachrichten
PTH1200/1000 Hackertruck Pezzolato drum wood chipper delivered to the company Rimorini Legnami
After several years of “courtship” by respect for forest industry among the founders of the production of biomass in Italy and rightly considered by experts a “flagship” of the wood chips industry, it has been delivered, in recent days, a PTH 1200/1000 Hacketruck drum wood chipper to the company Rimorini Legnami placed in Fusecchio (FI) in the center of Italy. The wood chipper is driven by the truck’s VOLVO engine with 750 Hp power. The maximum inlet passage is 1200 x 1000 mm. The cutting system consists of a staggered sections dum (1000 mm diameter) with 5 or 10 knives and it is capable of producing both small-sized wood chips for small boilers for domestic use and “big size” wood chips for large power plants .The unloading system is equipped with a hydraulically adjustable fan that allows to produce less dust, reduce fuel consumption and optimize the loading of wood chips on the trucks, avoiding spreading of material on the ground.