5 septiembre 2014


The forest site demonstration, set up on 29th and 30th August by CO.GE.FOR. and coordinated by Mr Raffaele Spinelli (CNR IVALSA) with the project INFRES contribution in the Farra d'Alpago (BL) mountains, has gone beyond the provisions. A large and interested audience of "experts" from all over Italy attended the trials in the field...

5 septiembre 2014


It is the formula with which it was constructed the new PEZZOLATO machine TB 1200 to work out, automatically, logs with diameters up to 120 cm. The need arises from an ever greater market supply of logs of large diameter that are not suitable to produce materials for the industry....

30 junio 2014

New cogeneration system based on wood chips gasification

It's came into operation in mid-June, a new wood chips Pezzolato cogeneration system for the production of electrical and thermal energy. The plant, located in the province of Prato, has a nominal electrical power of 50 kW and thermal power of 100 kWth. The main plant feature is the drying and...

12 junio 2014

Pezzolato drum chipper in BOSTER NORD EAST fair

Despite the disappointment of an insufficient flow of visitors (the event held last week in the beautiful setting of Pian del Cansiglio in the province of Belluno was little noticed by the organizers) the Pezzolato PTH1200/1000 drum chipper stood out for the quality of chips produced, it was the only...

6 junio 2014

New service: continuous moisture measurement of wood chips

Black box control unit for the continuous monitoring of the localization, productivity, consumption and quality of the wood chips of your chipper. The "black box" control unit is an absolutely innovative device and not present on any other chipper on the market. It consists of a device that acquires the characteristic...

23 mayo 2014

Maxi plant for firewood production was officially opened

Last Thursday 15th 2014, a maxi plant Pezzolato for firewood production was officially opened at Noirétable in France in the department 42. The production data are impressive: 60,000 tons / year working 2 shifts of 7 hours each for 220 days a year For more information on the complete installation and to see...