20 diciembre 2012

Pezzolato go at full gas!

Great showdown for the brothers Mirko and Anrea Rossetto who dominate the 19th rally Pietra di Bagnolo (CN) Italy in the category R2B on the first outing with Citroen C2-Bagnolo Piemonte. Pezzolato is always with numbers 1! Congratulations to Mirko and Andrea Rossetto....

5 diciembre 2012

FIGHT THE COLD! New H 150 chipper

It's the ideal solution for producing quality and calibrated mini chipsby chopping any kind of waste wood including the remains of pruning. The innovative cutting and screening, applied to PEZZOLATO chipper model H 150, guarantees a homogeneousand small pieces of material coming out, it's useful for owners of home heating feeded by small collecting screws....