23 octobre 2013 retour aux news
Demonstrative tests for the chipper PTH 1200/820 HACKERTRUCK
Friday, October 25 at Persereano – Pavia di Udine (UD) will be set up a real forest site with the use of three separate equipment, particularly suitable for thinning the plantations from wood and one of these equipment is the chipper PEZZOLATO PTH 1200/820 HACKERTRUCK. This is a project organized by the CNR Ivalsa, the Crita, the University of Udine and the Ciase, entirely financed by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Veneziia Giulia. The project aims to quantify and valorise the woody biomass available in lowland plantations made with public contributions such as the afforestation measures promoted by Reg. 2080 and PSR (Measure H) and foresees the experimentation of innovative technologies for the improvement and exploitation of these plantations, in particular for their thinning which is uneconomic when carried out with traditional techniques.
For more information about the event you can download the attached information leaflet.