11 mars 2015 retour aux news
Pezzolato dryer for producing wood chips in category A1
It was delivered in Lombardy a Pezzolato drying module that allows to set both the quantity of wood chips and humidity desired by a software that regulates the process and the thermal energy’s use. Our customer’s objective is the production and sale of certificate in category A1 wood chips (water content less than 25%) to provide the chip boilers installed in his area.
The complementary screening system (optional) select the desired wood chips and discards the one small and oversized.
In this regard it is important to note that the technical standards UNI EN 14961-4 of “quality classes chips” (now replaced by ISO 17225-4) associates the wood chips to the contributions of quality certificates “GSE” white, green and account heat boilers and cogeneration plants.
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